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Contact Us

Message the Lab

For more information on our research, publications, current opportunities, or how to get involved, please get in touch with us using the contact form.

Media and journalistic inquiries welcome.

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How to find us

In person

Based out of the University of Ottawa's Desmarais Building (DMS), located in downtown Ottawa, Ontario.


55 Laurier Ave. East

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5, Canada


We're available @polcomtech on X and Instagram, through our company page on LinkedIn, and by email at

  • email the lab at
  • Pol Comm Tech on LinkedIn
  • @polcommtech on X
  • @polcommtech on Instagram

Reach out to the Lab's Director using @lizdubois on X, her LinkedIn page, or

  • email Elizabeth Dubois
  • X
  • LinkedIn
  • Youtube
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